The Collage: Gourmet Ghetto

Today we completed our collage. We wanted each layer of the collage to symbolize the different historic changes of the neighborhood North Shattuck Berkeley. Our collage consists of 4 stacked layers. The layers (starting from the bottom to the top) represent the following:

The first layer:

Geography. This layer outlines the boundaries within the neighborhood.

The second layer:

History. This layer represent historic structures and includes mainly images of homes.

The third layer:

Changes. This layer highlights a period of revolution through images of renovations and modern structures.

The fourth layer:

Attractions. This layer highlights the point of tourist attraction in the neighborhood: a main street known as Shattuck Ave. Here, you will find business cards from popular places in this street.

The fifth layer:

Beauty and age. The neighborhood has been through a period of racial tension and brought together by cultural arts. We wanted to include a symbol that represents this in this layer. We chose an elephant pendant we got from a local shop. The pendant is vintage yet beautiful. Similarly, the neighborhood has had a revolutionary past but its love for food and art continues to grow.

Final outcome
Final outcome
Close up of the top layer
Side view
Another side view

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