Sofia + Su Kyong: Pre-Final Work Session

Our inhabitation is basically complete! Hip-Hip-Hurray!

Our goal for this session was to add the finishing touches to our inhabitation. However, because the painting process of the base takes a lot of time we were not able to include a photograph of the final base. We will be touching up the lines on the box to make them appear as defined and clean as possible. Also, we placed a tiny reading light in the center of the plant to create the effect of light. In conclusion, all of the themes discussed in our brainstorm were applied to our final inhabitation. Finally, we are glad to include a new contrast in our inhabitation: real v. artificial. We used artificial pears and a real plant to represent this theme. As we look at this contrast in our work, we apply it to real life. In our inhabitation, some of the objects used are opposites but they look beautiful together. In real life, you meet a lot of different people and they have different beliefs or ideas but when combined with another person’s opposite beliefs, they can form something beautiful, a beautiful bond.


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