Sofia + Su Kyong: Brain Storming

Date : June.23rd


The conversation was focused on total 5 things :

contrast, functional, minimalism, mathematical/scientific, 5 sense

1. contrast

Contrast is the main theme of this project. There are three contrasts that we (SASS) concluded.

  • Oraganic VS Geometric


  • Darkness VS Lightness


  • Roughness VS Definition

Rough         Defined

2. 5 sense : taste, sound, smell, view, touch

3. Mathematical/ Scientific 


Mazwell's equation     schrodingerequation1

Edison           Einstein

We understood a round shape as a light bulb although a painter mentioned it as a pear. Therefore Edison came out on our mind. Also when you look at the painting, there are traces of writing equations. It made us to imagine that a scientist considering a method or equation during science experiment is trying to write down something on the chalkboard.

4. Minimalism


minimalism          minimalism2

When we interpreted the pattern of painting, we thought minimalism would be perfect theme of it.

5. functional


‘We want something functional!’

Considering what the round shape can be, we thought it can be a flower pot.

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